Hypnotherapy and Trancework

Hypnosis and trance are ways of gaining direct access to our subconscious minds and our imaginal realms where we can work with our inner selves in creative ways. Being in a state of hypnosis, or trance is to allow the body to be in a deeply relaxed, peaceful state while remaining aware of what is happening. In that state, you can access insight and internal resources, let your conscious and subconscious minds work in tandem with your wisdom, your inner knowing, and your higher self, allowing for new ways of being in your life and in the world. 

What you discover in hypnosis and trance are answers that are all your own. 

Ways you can utilize hypnosis and trance states include: 

  • Finding internal resources through regressing memories of events that offer the ability to access powerful internal resources including competence and safety. 

  • Guided depth meditation for visitation and communication with guides, angels, and beloved dead.

  • Guided imagery allowing you to access insight and resources through a safe space or other helpful space of being.

  • Object imagery gives the ability to work with difficult emotions like fear, anger grief, or feelings and sensations like pain through the use of metaphor and concrete imagery.

  • Past Life Regression can offer insight into current difficulties or relationships through exploration of experiences beyond this lifetime.

  • Integration offers the ability to help you communicate with parts of yourself that may be maintaining behaviors that are not serving you.

  • Inner Child work allows the ability to communicate with your inner child helping to nurture parts of you that may have sustained trauma and need more love, attention, and compassion.

  • Reprocessing of traumatic memories and phobia work.

I can give you nothing 
that has not already 
its origins within yourself

I can throw open no 
picture gallery 
but your own

I can help make 
your own world visible- 
that is all.

~Herman Hesse

This work is a part of my counseling modalities and other offerings. For more information, please set up a consultation.